Medusa exhibition @ Musée des Arts Modernes
A week ago I had the opportunity to see the new exhibition at the Musée des Arts Modernes called Medusa. It gives a contemporary and unprecedented look at jewellery, unveiling a number of taboos as it is said on the website. It was truly interesting to see all those pieces, some quite famous such as Michael Jackson's well-known glove and some others "osé" such as this suitcase full of whips or other sexual objects.
I'll leave you to my selection of my favorites. Hope you enjoy xxx.
This is a ballerina brooch by Van Cleef and Apples which was truly gorgeous.
This bag was called Superbitch Bag and it made my friend and I laugh a lot.
I love this snake section, truly deeply enjoyed it.
Michael Jackson's so well-known glove which is stunning when you see it in real life.
This is Van Cleef and Arples and probably their best.
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